Victor Sidy Architect. Phoenix AZ

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Architecture /

Early in our design practice, live/work spaces and Montessori schools were core areas of focus for our work. These early projects were very often co-created with highly creative people, including a widely-published Texas author, several prominent New York-based artists, and a number of visionary school leaders. Though we’ve branched out to other building types since then, each individual project continues to be pursued with the same spirit of invention and collaboration with our clients.

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Restoration /
Adaptive Reuse

Our approach with the adaptive reuse of old buildings is to determine what building elements can be preserved, and which can give way to new, contextually-sensitive design ideas and technologies that might result in a more useful, better-performing building. In this way, we see these buildings providing evidence of layers of history, each layer contributing its best qualities to our future use and enjoyment.

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Planning /

Creating long-term value for a new development requires a close attention to the characteristics of the development site, the surrounding community, and nearby natural features. A deep inquiry into the context of the site drives our site analysis and informs planning decisions.

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